Pipsqueeks Markers: these are becoming more and more mainstream and I love the fact that someone bought these for our facility before I started working there. The small size is so much easier to elicit proper grip with, and the colors are quite cute.
Heads n Tails: These are similar to the Handwriting w/o Tears crayons that facilitate in-hand manipulation
Twistables: I included the Slick Stix here

Stetero Grips: Put your thumb on the star and get a great grip. Doesn't get much simpler than that, I plan to send several kids back to school w/ these.
Tactile Stim Pencil Grips: I personally love these- be they foamy, bumpy, squishy- anything but sticky. I found terrific mini mechanical pencils w/ grips already on them at KMart and use them for all my Alert Program kids. Fatten up your favorite writing implement and give yourself something to touch.
Wikki Stix- made to work on handwriting, but I love using these to teach shoe tying. The stickiness is great to build up a tactile defensive person's tolerance for unpleasant stimuli.
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