
Mind warp

I was very confused when I woke up this morning (about 10 minutes ago). I said to myself, "ok, it's Thursday, what do you need to do?" Then I realized, it's not Thursday, I'm just not working. a little more after the click ->

I think most of the tears are over now. I am trying to get excited about my new exciting job, but first I have to get through the aggravating task of moving. Moving is very frustrating to me for all the questions it raises- How did we get so much stuff? Why are we moving here? Where is this/that/the other in our new place? How will we move again if we get any more stuff?! After seeing the apartment, I know that we have to get more lamps, as there are 3 rooms w/o overhead lighting.I am also unsure how the laundry situation will work out as our washer is approximately the size needed for a week's worth of socks. UGH.

It's also interesting that we are moving into a predominantly Jewish area, judging by the multiple synagogues, kosher eateries, and the "Kosher Assisted Living" across the street. The kosher Subway is down the street, but I think that this is the oddest restaurant that I noticed near the apartment, just for the combination of different cuisines.

Ok, got a little sidetracked from OT things, but this is bringing a change in my OT-ness too. I have 300 unread messages from the pediatric AOTA listserv that I have been putting off addressing since I know I won't be using it so much. Need to unsubscribe from that. I have to get everything ready for my license to be reviewed, since this state only reviews once a month. It's good to take a good look at the license requirements before you give your start date to your new job, FYI. I've done all I can do, now I'm just trying to facilitate other organizations doing what they need to as well. Got to change address for all my subscriptions and such. Very busy in box-town.

Have plenty to update about if I ever sit down to do it. Last week was too emotional, hopefully this week won't be too busy. Have to figure out how to transport my violets, which are fragile and blooming again.

Oh, and free giveaway- I have AJOTs from 2005, I think, to now. I will mail them wherever, if not, they're heading to the recycling center. So if you want them drop me an email with your address and I'll gladly send them to a new happy home.

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