
OT Webgems- Kids and Wellness

All the jet-setting this falls has left me with less time to update, but I have still been collecting interesting web articles to share. This edition focuses on some issues in children's wellness, like nutrition, fitness, and fun.

Portion Sizes- A short discussion on how children learn to fill their plates. I was always taught "you can come back for more," but that didn't stop me from overloading my plate, especially at times like thanksgiving.

Kids and Sports- A brief report of findings on a study about kids who participate in sports. There's some notes on how the kids felt about bodies, but one of the key findings was that children with disabilities and girls in general had less access to sports. There's always room to help with Special Olympics, Challenger baseball, and able-bodied sports teams. Get out there and volunteer!

First Year Survey- A sampling of findings about the typical first year of life in a US infant.

School Lunches- while this is too late to mesh with National School Lunch Week (who knew?) here is some info for parents on learning more about school lunches. The author does make mention of one of my personal favorites- flat square pizza.

Music w/o Pain- A few brief tips from an OT on preventing repetitive strain injuries in musicians, hopefully your local school still has a music program. I have a few handouts and other information on this topic from poster presenters at various conferences- check the link relating to the 2005 AOTA conference to see exactly what I had... hopefully it is still around somewhere.

That's it for now! Enjoy a fun-filled pre-Halloween week. I know I'll be looking for costumes when they go on sale so that I have some fun stuff to practice dressing with in the clinic.

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