
OT WebGems- Edition #1

I routinely bookmark articles or websites with the intent to blog on them... sometimes they either get outdated or I just don't have enough to say on the article to be a whole legit post. So, in a shameless act of thievery from ESPN, I bring you the first installment of OT-Related WebGems! Today's theme: Back to school. Several selections for parents, and 1 for therapy students.

Motivating Students- Jay Matthews writes a summary of tips for teachers on motivating students, with better strategies than just grades. I think there's some good tips here that parents and teachers should discuss together.

Bike Safety- Somewhat of a tenuous link to school, but I'd like to believe that in some small town America, there are still kids that ride a bike to school. This set of articles was a nice comprehensive look into safety that includes video on how to properly adjust a helmet. Teach your kids safety and prevent injury!

Family Manager- Kathy Peel offers free tips on home organization. This is a set on getting out the door on time in the morning. She has also authored The Busy Mom's Guide if you are interested in further information.

Day Care Research- A short review of a study that should allay some fears of dropping your child at day care. Doesn't resolve anything, but if it helps your debate, I spent my first 5 years in a family-run daycare with no lasting negative outcomes.

Choosing a Partner- This was written about Presidential candidates choosing VPs, but it can be easily generalized to other working relationships. Attention therapy students: know thine research partner, before committed to years of work. I picked a friend that I knew was conscientious about deadlines and would get the information we needed from our adviser. I didn't pick my best friend, because we had studied together before and I knew that I would just spend research time chatting about irrelevant things instead of working. Research is a big part of most schools' graduation requirements, so choose wisely.

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